YUI Library Examples: Charts Control (experimental): Skinning a Chart Example

Charts Control (experimental): Skinning a Chart Example

This example demonstrates how to modify the YUI Charts Control's styles to give it a custom appearance.

Please note: The YUI Charts Control requires Flash Player 9.0.45 or higher. The latest version of Flash Player is available at the Adobe Flash Player Download Center.

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Unable to load Flash content. The YUI Charts Control requires Flash Player 9.0.45 or higher. You can download the latest version of Flash Player from the Adobe Flash Player Download Center.

Styling the Chart

To change the visual appearance of a Charts Control instance, one uses the style initialization attribute. Each part of the chart, including the background and border, xAxis and yAxis, and the dataTip may be customized.

3    border: {color: 0x96acb4, size: 12}, 
4    font: {name: "Arial Black", size: 14, color: 0x586b71}, 
5    dataTip: 
6    { 
7        border: {color: 0x2e434d, size: 2}, 
8        font: {name: "Arial Black", size: 13, color: 0x586b71} 
9    }, 
10    xAxis: 
11    { 
12        color: 0x2e434d 
13    }, 
14    yAxis: 
15    { 
16        color: 0x2e434d, 
17        majorTicks: {color: 0x2e434d, length: 4}, 
18        minorTicks: {color: 0x2e434d, length: 2}, 
19        majorGridLines: {size: 0} 
20    } 
view plain | print | ?

Notice that the main font style applies to both of the axes on the chart. The dataTip includes a custom border and font. The yAxis includes custom ticks and we hide the majorGridLines by setting the size value to 0.

Setting Series Skins

The series definition includes style values for both series with declarations for background images abd colors and the size of each marker.

1var seriesDef = 
3    { 
4        yField: "pork"
5        displayName: "Sales of Pork"
6        style: 
7        { 
8            image: "assets/tube.png"
9            mode: "no-repeat"
10            color: 0x2e434d, 
11            size: 40 
12        } 
13    }, 
14    { 
15        yField: "beef"
16        displayName: "Sales of Beef"
17        style: 
18        { 
19            image: "assets/tube.png"
20            mode: "no-repeat"
21            color: 0xc2d81e, 
22            size: 40 
23        } 
24    } 
view plain | print | ?

The mode value specifies how the image will be displayed. In this case "no-repeat" ensures that the image will be displayed only once. Other possible values include "repeat", "repeat-x", "repeat-y", and "stretch".

YUI Logger Output:

Note: Logging and debugging is currently turned off for this example.

Reload with logging
and debugging enabled.

More Charts Control (experimental) Resources:

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